005 城市空间中的听障社群 Deaf in Urban Space

【聊了什么 The What】 本期节目是与播客《城市罐头》的串台合作,同时也是其“无障碍系列”的第二期。本期聚焦听障社群,由主播八如与在上海出生,目前在美国从事建筑设计的聋人朋友 Tarry、建筑师 Yao 以及城市设计师小王,共同探讨听障空间的生活,语言,和社区体验。


This episode is a collaboration with the podcast “城市罐头”. Focusing on the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community, our host Baru is joined by Tarry—a deaf friend born in Shanghai who now works in architectural design in the U.S.—along with architect Yao and urban designer Xiao Wang. Together, they explore how people with hearing impairments experience space, language, and community.

Click here for this episode’s transcript

【时间轴 The When】

  • 00:03:16 "聋人文化"解析:听障群体称谓的演变

  • 00:07:11 空间与手语的关系:建筑设计师眼中的听障空间想象

  • 00:13:18 特殊教育现状:口语教育vs手语教育的争议

  • 00:23:32 城市信息获取:听障人士如何应对城市中的声音信息

  • 00:40:22 公共空间设计:电影院等场所的无障碍设施现状

  • 00:45:09 开放空间优势:双层中庭对听障人士社交的独特价值

  • 00:51:02 文化空间改造:如何让艺术场所更包容听障群体

  • 00:03:16 Explaining “Deaf culture”: How terminology for the hearing-impaired community has evolved

  • 00:07:11 The relationship between space and sign language: Perspectives from an architectural designer on spaces for the hearing-impaired

  • 00:13:18 The current state of special education: The debate between oral education vs. sign language education

  • 00:23:32 Accessing city information: How hearing-impaired individuals navigate sound-based information in urban environments

  • 00:40:22 Public space design: The current status of accessibility facilities in places like movie theaters

  • 00:45:09 The benefits of open spaces: How a double-level atrium uniquely supports social interaction for the hearing-impaired

  • 00:51:02 Transforming cultural venues: How to make art spaces more inclusive for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community

【我们是谁 Who We Are】


“Disabled Talks” is a Chinese podcast that explores mainstream issues through a disability lens, recognizing disability as an unavoidable aspect of human vulnerability often overlooked in mainstream discussions. Our mission is to uncover overlooked disability perspectives in everyday life and current events, challenge stereotypes, combat ableism alongside our audience, and foster genuine ways to perceive, understand, and shape ourselves and the world. Join us in reimagining societal narratives through the vital prism of disability experience.


  • 伊如 纽约聋校老师兼瓶颈期艺术家
  • Tarry 建筑打工仔
  • Yao 建筑师
  • 小王 城市设计师


  • September by Earth, Wind & Fire

【拓展链接 The Links】 https://experiments.withgoogle.com/seeing-music

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