【聊了什么 The What】
Artificial Intelligence is advancing at a remarkable pace and is widely seen as a transformative force shaping our future. However, in this podcast, two guests examine AI technology through the lens of disability rights, raising critical questions: Will technological progress truly benefit everyone? Are current AI systems amplifying human biases, or are they creating a more equitable world? From recruitment algorithms that discriminate against women to self-driving systems that fail to recognize wheelchair users, to the savior complex behind "high-tech" assistive devices for people with disabilities - as the wave of technology sweeps forward, how do we ensure that every voice is heard and considered?
【我们是谁 Who We Are】
“Disabled Talks” is a Chinese podcast that explores mainstream issues through a disability lens, recognizing disability as an unavoidable aspect of human vulnerability often overlooked in mainstream discussions. Our mission is to uncover overlooked disability perspectives in everyday life and current events, challenge stereotypes, combat ableism alongside our audience, and foster genuine ways to perceive, understand, and shape ourselves and the world. Join us in reimagining societal narratives through the vital prism of disability experience.
【主播介绍 Hosts】 仁慈:残障者,残障研究者,过气网红。 八如:INFJ听人,艺术家兼美国聋校教师。
Mercy: Person with disability, disability studies researcher, ex-influencer. Baru: Hearing artist, Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, INFJ personality.
【时间轴 The When】
00:03:14 日常生活中无处不在的AI算法,以YouTube推荐为例
00:19:39 招聘算法因样本有偏差而歧视女性
00:26:04 AI在识别残障者方面存在问题,以自动驾驶识别轮椅为例
00:38:44 AI监测学生上课情况,可能会对残障学生不利
00:42:43 一些辅助技术是为了让残障者"变正常",而非帮助他们更好地参与社会
00:54:53 好的辅助技术需要将残障者视为专家,而非仅仅是用户
3:14 - AI is everywhere
19:39 - Recruitment AI bias against women
26:04 - Self-driving cars failing to detect wheelchairs
38:44 - AI classroom monitoring impacts on disabled students
42:43 - Assistive tech: normalizing vs. enabling participation
54:53 - Disabled people as experts, not just users
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