003 如何成为好的盟友 Becoming Good Allies

【聊了什么 The What】


Hosts Renci and Baru invite active community members Da Jiao Zi and Xiao Tang Yuan to discuss how to be good allies to people with disabilities. The guests share their experiences of interacting with the disability community, reflecting on their own intersectionality, and encouraging each other to continue learning and reflecting on their journey to becoming allies, including knowing when to "pass the microphone" to more affected communities. Join us for our truth-or-dare session as we explore ways to support each other as well as the disability community.

【嘉宾介绍 Guests】

  • 大饺子:听人,名义上在做城市无障碍研究,实际上放弃梦想变成了大饺子

  • 小汤圆:同行者,残健融合的培训专家,什么都在做的斜杠青年

  • Da Jiaozi: Claims to study urban accessibility, but gave up dreams and turned into a dumpling

  • Xiao Tangyuan: Disability inclusion trainer by day, career juggler by night

【我们是谁 Who We Are】


“Disabled Talks” is a Chinese podcast that explores mainstream issues through a disability lens, recognizing disability as an unavoidable aspect of human vulnerability often overlooked in mainstream discussions. Our mission is to uncover overlooked disability perspectives in everyday life and current events, challenge stereotypes, combat ableism alongside our audience, and foster genuine ways to perceive, understand, and shape ourselves and the world. Join us in reimagining societal narratives through the vital prism of disability experience.

【主播介绍 Hosts】

仁慈:残障者,残障研究者,过气网红。 八如:INFJ听人,艺术家兼美国聋校教师。

Mercy: Person with disability, disability studies researcher, ex-influencer. Baru: Hearing artist, Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, INFJ personality.

【时间轴 The When】

  • 00:00:00 残障盟友的多元身份:从非残障者到深度连接者的转变

  • 00:13:20 盟友历程中的救世主情结:从施舍到平等对话的蜕变

  • 00:22:49 从志愿者到深度参与者的转变

  • 00:35:35 残障者的不配得感:社会建构的结果

  • 00:41:09 何为真正的盟友:超越标签与身份的思考

  • 00:48:58 无障碍概念的复杂性与模糊性

  • 00:52:24 空降者与真诚盟友的区别:从消费到共情的转变

  • 01:10:36 残障身份的流动性与普遍性思考

  • 0:00 - Beyond allyship: From outsider to deep connector

  • 13:20 - Overcoming the savior complex: Finding equal dialogue

  • 22:49 - Evolution: From volunteer to active participant

  • 35:35 - Imposter syndrome in disability: A social construct

  • 41:09 - True allyship: Looking past labels

  • 48:58 - Accessibility: It's complicated

  • 52:24 - Drive-by allies vs. genuine supporters: From consumption to empathy

  • 1:10:36 - Disability identity: Fluid and universal

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  • 海外用户:patreon.com/disabledtalks
  • 海内用户:afdian.com/a/disabledtalks
  • 商务合作邮箱:[email protected]

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  • Those Abroad: patreon.com/disabledtalks
  • Those in China: afdian.com/a/disabledtalks
  • Business Inquiries Email: [email protected]